Thursday 13 June 2013

Commander Selvam Siddhar

Thought Control & God In My Breath
Param Pujya ,His Holiness "Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar"

By doing previous awareness exercises, your mind may be distracted. To deal with such situation, you shall keep your eyes half closed resting on an object or one spot three feet ahead of you. You are not to focus on the object/spot. By doing this, you may have trouble with your wandering mind. No cause for alarm. You practice control over your wandering mind with patience and perseverance. Gradually you will succeed.To deal with distraction of mind you may follow any of the two ways:

a) You have to follow your thoughts as a puppy in the streets follows any pair of legs it finds in motion. It does not care for the direction where they are moving. After some seconds, you shall make yourself aware that you are thinking. You may say to yourself interiorly that I am thinking ......... thinking ...... thinking. By this you will be aware that thinking process is going on.

b) The other way to overcome distraction is to observe your thoughts as a man stationed at his window watching passersby on the street. After doing this for a while, you shall keep yourself aware that you are thinking .... thinking .... thinking .... You may do any of the above two exercises for not more than five minutes. Thinking tends to stop by making yourself aware of it. A distraction charged with strong emotion: love, fear, resentment, sorrow will not easily yield to this exercise. Other exercises discussed hereinafter shall help you in that.
God In My Breath

With closed eyes practise the awareness of body sensations for a while. Then come to the awareness of your breathing as done before and stay with this awareness for a few minutes .... Reflect now that this air that you are breathing is charged with the Power and the PRESENCE of God. Think of the air as of an Immense OCEAN that surrounds you .... an ocean heavily coloured with God’s presence and God’s being .... While you draw the air into your lungs you are drawing God in .... Be aware that you are drawing in the Power and Presence of God each time you breathe in... Stay in this awareness as long as you can... Notice what you feel when you become conscious that you are drawing God in with each breath you take ......


1. While you breathe in, be conscious of God’s Spirit coming into you Fill your lungs with the divine energy he brings with Him ....
2. While you breathe out, imagine you are breathing out all your impurities .... your fears .... your negative feelings .... Your shortcomings and weaknesses.
3. Imagine you see your whole body becoming radiant and alive through this process of breathing in God’s life-giving Spirit and breathing out all your impurities ......
Stay with this awareness as long as you can without distractions.

Breath communication with God

Devotional Prayer may here be called as ‘PRAYER’; whereas ‘Intuitional Prayer’ may coincide roughly with CONTEMPLATION. Both type of prayers lead to union with God. Such of them is more suited to some Sadhakas than to others. According to time and need suitability of these Prayers may change.Any Prayer that limits itself to the thinking mind alone is not prayer really but! at best, a preparation for prayer. Even among Sadhakas there is no genuine personal communication that isn’t at least in some small degree heart communication, that does not contain some small degree of emotion in it. If a communication, a sharing of thoughts, is entirely and totally devoid of all emotion you can be sure the intimate, personal dimension is lacking. Here are some variations of the previous exercise more devotional than intuitional. As the thought content in prayer is minimal—it will easily move from the devotional to the intuitional, from the heart to the heart. Become aware of your breathing for a while. Now REFLECT presence of God in the atmosphere all around you.... Reflect His presence in the air you are breathing—BE CONSCIOUS OF HIS PRESENCE.... Notice what you feel, when you become conscious of His presence in the air you are breathing in and out....Now express yourself to God non-verbally. Frequently, express a sentiment through a look on a gesture .... Then again by breathing. Express first of all, a great yearning for Him without using words, even mentally, say to Him, MY LORD, I long for You .... Just by the way breathe. You may express this by breathing in deeply, by deepening your inhalation.

Now express another attitude or sentiment: ONE OF TRUST AND SURRENDER—NO words—just through breath, “My LORD, I surrender myself entirely to you .... You may do this by emphasizing your exhalation, by breathing out each time as if you were sighing deeply. Each time you breathe out feel yourself letting the whole of yourself go in God’s hand. Then, after sometime, take up other attitudes before your LORD and express these through your breathing such as: LOVE.... CLOSENESS.... and INTIMACY ADORATION.......... GRATITUDE.......... PRAISE.... if you are tired of doing this, return to the beginning of this exercise and just rest peacefully in the awareness of God all around you and in the air you are breathing in and out.... Then, if you tend to get distracted, fall back on second part of the exercise and express yourself to God non-verbally once more.

For More help and to come out of any of your problems in your life please call His Holiness Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar for more help. Swamiji is the only Atharva Vedic Scholar in the entire USA. Pleas reach the Toll Free # @ 1-888-808-1418 or email swamiji to

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